STEAMPUNK - Louisa Boren STEM K-8 2017 AUCTION 

Auction Chair e-mail:


4/6: Survey here: and cleared $82,468.29!

4/4: Cleared 80K this morning! $80,684.24 and counting UP! Employee matching, a few teacher experiences still open here:…/catalog/online 
and if you missed on the punk'ing you can always make a donation here:…/cata…/show/160

4/3: Online catalog is up! Open from Monday @3pm to 4/14 @3pm. 

4/2: WOOT! THANK YOU! Preliminary number has us at 78K - we WILL hit 80K. That is AMAZING! More details soon (how to do employee matching, receipts, info on how to fix any problems, how to get the items you left). But for now - THANK YOU. Thank you Sponsors, Volunteers, Teachers & Parents. Whoooooo is ready for next year?! 


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Thank you to your 2016 Auction Sponsors!

Gold $1000

Silver $500

Bronze $250

In-Kind Donations